Z Krewe Committees
See list of Committees, their members and what they do below.
Ball Committee
The Ball Committee is composed of many Krewe members, all dedicated to the planning and execution of the annual Z Ball, the Krewe’s most anticipated event. This Committee is assisted by a phenomenal group called The Ball Supporters.
Committee Co-Chairs: Cyndi Keeth & Jerry Keeth
Members: Loretta Boemio, Kristie Castanie, Lyn Castanie, Tom Danowski, Carla Davis, Ellen Eastham, Sarah Fletcher, Megan Harvey, Kathy Hill, Jo Himel, Pam Iltis, Leon Kaplan, Mario Lemos, Susan Lemos, Brandy McDonald, David Mulcihy, Robert Turnipseed
Board Liaison: Kathy Hill
Membership Committee
The duty of the Membership Committee is to collect and submit applications for regular membership and ambassador membership to the Executive Committee. The Committee is also responsible for maintaining the list of “Zanies-in-Waiting” for potential regular and ambassador membership.
Additionally, the Membership Committee serves as the “social” committee, and plans fun and exciting events throughout the year.
Committee Chair: Sarah Fletcher
Members: Carla Davis, Ellen Eastham, Kathy Hill, Pam Iltis, Tommie McMillan, Alex Petty, Robert Turnipseed
Board Liaison: Pam Iltis
Pancake Day Committee
Pancake Day Committee does one thing and one thing only -- they cook pancakes! And they do it well! This is an event that gets more and more Zanies out of bed each year. They discover that getting up before dawn to mix, pour, cook, and clean up is just the beginning of the festivities and fun on the final day of the Mardi Gras season. Plus, all the food not eaten is donated to a local charity!
Following the pancake breakfast, the Zanies then go for a little rest and relaxation involving Mimosas and Bloody Marys!
Z Krewe’s Pancake Day Committee, Royalty, and other Zanies will carry on the worldwide Mardi Gras tradition born in 1445 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England, by cooking up a breakfast of pancakes and sausage for the students, parents, and teachers.
Committee Chair: Kathy Hill
Members: Carla Davis, Chris Dees, Leon Kaplan, Tommie McMillan, Robert Turnipseed
Board Liaison: Steve Hill
Parade Committee
The Parade Committee organizes and manages all parades for the Krewe, including the annual Z Krewe Processional, held the second Saturday of each Mardi Gras season by the Krewe.
The annual Zanie Procession is held through the Historic Strand District along Mechanic Street from 25th to 20th and back up the Strand. Hundreds of Zanies throw their "best beads" to the crowds. The parade features bands, military units and zany revelers from other clubs, and is led by Big Daddy and Big Momma followed by King and Queen Zanie and their royal Zoots and Zaftigs.
The Committee is also in charge of running and maintaining the Krewe Float, stored on Galveston Island.
Committee Co-Chairs: Steve Baldwin and Brandy McDonald
Members: Tom Danowski, David Davis, Ellen Eastham, Paul Flores, Craig Funni, Jan Grizzle, Pam Iltis, Leon Kaplan, Jerry Keeth, David Mulcihy
Board Liaison: David Mulcihy
Public Affairs Committee
The Public Affairs committee has one directive: Let the world know about Z Krewe. Functions include organizing the selection of the annual Krewe Poster, general advertising about the Krewe, and maintenance of the Z Krewe web site. They assist in promoting Z Krewe and its activities in order to generate public awareness of the activities of the Krewe by posting on Facebook and the Z Krewe website.
Committee Co-Chairs: Dusti Baldwin and Ashlynn Treshman
Members: Ellen Eastham, Pam Iltis, Leon Kaplan, Alex Petty
Board Liaison: David Mulcihy
Royalty Committee
The Royalty Committee provides direction and support for the King, Queen and members of the Royal Court. The Committee plans and produces three major events the cake cutting ceremony, at which the King, Queen and members of the court are chosen the coronation ceremony, at which the King and Queen are crowned, the court is presented, and the Legazies (children or grandchildren of current members) are presented to the reigning King and Queen; and the royal procession and toasting ceremony during the pre-Zestival procession.
Committee Co-Chairs: Chris Dees and Alex Petty
Members: Dusti Baldwin, Christy Taylor Bray, Kristi Castanie, Chris Ditto, Steve Hill, Leon Kaplan, Erika LeGros, Heidi Lutz
Board Liaison: Jeff McDonald
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is chaired by the Vice President, and its primary function is to oversee the by-laws and the annual elections of officers and board members.
The Committee accepts proposals for by-law changes, and reviews and recommends changes or additions before presenting them to the Executive Committee for consideration. The proposed changes are then presented to the Krewe at the next General Meeting, and voted on at the General Meeting following that.
The Steering Committee welcomes proposed bylaw changes from any member in good standing. Proposed changes may be emailed to Kristie Schoppe at tinker74@gmail.com.
Committee Chair: Kristie Schoppe
Members: Leon Kaplan, Cyndi Keeth, David Mulcihy, Alex Petty
Ways & Means Committee
Committee works all year to supplement the Krewe’s finances and offer fun, Zany venues, and sponsorships that support fund-raising endeavors for the organization.
The Ways and Means Committee plans to bring new and innovative fundraising opportunities to our program of works this year. Stay tuned for more details!
Committee Chair: Kelly Gardner
Members: Christy Taylor Bray, Sarah Fletcher, Erika LeGros, Susan Lemos, Heidi Lutz, Pamela Petty
Board Liaison: Billy Hopkins
Z Cares Committee
Sometimes our members go through difficult times such as sickness or death in the family to name a few. The Z Cares committee is here to lend a helping hand or provide a word of encouragement to those members in need.
Committee Chair: Melinda Funni
Members: Kathy Hill, Jo Himel, Cyndi Keeth,
Board Liaison: Kathy Hill
Z Charity Committee
e Z Charity committee does several things.
1) We make sure Z Krewe adheres to the guidelines and regulations of 501(c)(3) organizations, including preparing the paperwork to acknowledge donations received by the Krewe.
2) We organize choosing charities the Krewe supports.
3) Plan ways to support charities in the Galveston area.
Currently the 0.5K subcommittee is also part of the Z Charity Committee. This annual event is a fun run whose net profits are donated to the Galveston County Food Bank Kid's Summer food program.
Committee Chairs: Pam Iltis
Co-Chairs for 0.5K Run: Jeff McDonald and Kristie Schoppe
Members: Carla Davis, Tommie McMillan, Alex Petty
0.5K Run Sub Committee Members: Loretta Boemio, Kristi Castanie, Tom Danowski, Ellen Eastham, Paul Flores, Leon Kaplan, Jerry Keeth, Brandy McDonald, Pamela Petty,
Board Liaison: Chris Ditto
Zestival Committee
In Z Krewe, Zestival is synonymous with “PARTY.” What started out as a sincere, but dedicated gathering at two members’ home, has grown to one of the premier Mardi Gras events in Galveston.
Zestival is held at the Jockusch Building on 2025 Strand, overlooking the Strand. Zestival Committee members strive to bring the best Mardi Gras experience to members and guests year after year. This committee procures the location, food, drink, in-house entertainment, and security for the two weekends of Mardi Gras, Z Krewe style.
Committee Co-Chairs: Kelly Gardner, Jan Grizzle, Jay LeGros
Members: Loretta Boemio, Kristie Castanie, Lyn Castanie, David Davis, Paul Flores, Craig Funni, Megan Harvey, Steve Hill, Pam Iltis, Leon Kaplan, Jerry Keeth, Erika LeGros, Mario Lemos, Susan Lemos, Brandy McDonald, Tommie McMillan, David Mulcihy, Alex Petty, Pamela Petty, Kristie Schoppe, Robert Turnipseed
Board Liaison: Jan Grizzle
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